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Search Engines    

Featured Sites

#1  Google
Fantastic Always include this in your searches. Better yet, start your searches here!
#2  HotBot
This is a major search engine and now has a Web directory.
Internet portal with stocks, quotes, search engine, Web directory, news updates, ...
#4  Lycos
A classic search engine and now an important portal.
#5  AltaVista
"The search company" - a top search engine and portal site.
AltaVista  -  "The search company" - a top search engine and portal site.
Ask Jeeves /  -  Ask a question and let Jeeves find the sites that will answer it.  -  Internet portal with stocks, quotes, search engine, Web directory, news updates, ...
Google  -  Fantastic Always include this in your searches. Better yet, start your searches here!
HotBot  -  This is a major search engine and now has a Web directory.
Lycos  -  A classic search engine and now an important portal.  -  "The kid safe search engine...OneKey partnered with provides the largest database of kid safe sites. With a resource library that has the best that the Net has to offer in over 500 categories, OneKey is the best starting point for users that are tired of looking for information on their own. Information is power and OneKey unlocks the power of the Net."


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