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#1  Boston Globe Columns
Columnists as found in the Boston Globe.
#2  Dave Barry
"Dave Barry has been writing for the Miami Herald since 1983 and won a Pulitzer Prize for commentary in 1988. He has written a number of short but harmful books, including 'Babies and Other Hazards of Sex' and 'Dave Barry Slept Here: A Sort of History of the United States.' He writes about life and all its funny complexities."
#3  William Buckley
"William F. Buckley, Jr., the founder of National Review and its editor-in-chief until 1990, covers a wide range of political, cultural and economic issues in his syndicated columns. He has published dozens of books which include political analyses, sailing books and the Blackford Oakes spy novels. He is the recipient of numerous awards, including Best Columnist of the Year (1967), a Television Emmy for Program Achievement (1969), the American Book Award for Best Mystery (paperback) for Stained Glass (1980) and the Presidential Medal of Freedom (1991)."
#4  Dear Abby
"Pauline Phillips and Jeanne Phillips share the pseudonym Abigail Van Buren and make up the mother-daughter partnership that co-creates the most popular advice column in the world -- known for its uncommon common sense and youthful perspective."
#5  Dr. Laura
Subscription based streaming audio of Dr. Laura.
Boston Globe Columns  -  Columnists as found in the Boston Globe.
Creators Syndicate  -  Opinion from the columnists of Creators Syndicate.
Dave Barry  -  "Dave Barry has been writing for the Miami Herald since 1983 and won a Pulitzer Prize for commentary in 1988. He has written a number of short but harmful books, including 'Babies and Other Hazards of Sex' and 'Dave Barry Slept Here: A Sort of History of the United States.' He writes about life and all its funny complexities."
Dear Abby  -  "Pauline Phillips and Jeanne Phillips share the pseudonym Abigail Van Buren and make up the mother-daughter partnership that co-creates the most popular advice column in the world -- known for its uncommon common sense and youthful perspective."
Dr. Laura  -  Subscription based streaming audio of Dr. Laura.
Drudge Report  -  Political commentaries.
Positive Light  -  "Inspiring articles with a positive focus on people, history, business, science & technology, humor and current events."
William Buckley  -  "William F. Buckley, Jr., the founder of National Review and its editor-in-chief until 1990, covers a wide range of political, cultural and economic issues in his syndicated columns. He has published dozens of books which include political analyses, sailing books and the Blackford Oakes spy novels. He is the recipient of numerous awards, including Best Columnist of the Year (1967), a Television Emmy for Program Achievement (1969), the American Book Award for Best Mystery (paperback) for Stained Glass (1980) and the Presidential Medal of Freedom (1991)."

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