Astronomy Picture of the Day - "Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer."
Computer Tip of the Day - Computer and software tips daily from Software School, Inc.
Cookie Recipe of the Day - Take a look at today's cookie recipe. Better yet, get out a bowl and some ingredients. Yumm!
Cool Site of the Day - "Now, we don't like to brag (well, maybe we do like to swagger just a little), but long before there were cool sites of the hour, minute, second, and cool sites of the millennium, we were out there surfing the web looking for the best web sites that demonstrated notable strides in innovation, content, and design and choosing one each day that that we deemed worthy of your perusal."
Crossword Puzzle from Excite - Daily online crosswords to solve on your Web browser.
Daily Dose of the Web - Questions, quotations, brainteasers. Start each day visiting.
Dog of the Day - "Whether you do not have any pets or your home, barn, and pastures are full, Pet of the Day aims to bring a few minutes of joy into your life each day. Every day we present a new pet photo and story to try to illustrate how animals enrich the lives of people around the world."
Joke of the Day - Get today's joke from
Lottery Results - Lottery results as published by USA Today.
Spizzerinctum Page - "Look for a different unusual word, used to tell one of today's top news stories, every weekday."
Word of the Day - From Merriam-Webster Online.
The Writer's Almanac - Garrison Keillor - "The Writer's Almanac®, a daily program of poetry and history hosted by Garrison Keillor, can be heard each day on public radio stations throughout the country. Each day's program is about five minutes long—check your local radio listings for the station and time in your area." Includes RealAudio version so you can listen daily as well as a comprehensive archive.