Essential Guide and Links to
Featured Sites
"The world's greatest recipe collection...Here you may browse more than 16,000 recipes — much as you would leaf through your favorite cookbook for inspiration, only better. As you explore, you may filter and narrow the recipes by category. "
Food Network
"Food Network (www.foodnetwork.com) is a unique lifestyle network and website that strive to surprise and engage its viewers with likable hosts, personalities, and the variety of things it does with food. The network is committed to exploring new, different, and interesting ways to approach food - through pop culture, adventure, travel - while also expanding its repertoire of technique-based information."
All Recipes
"The home cooks' best-loved recipe, food and cooking resource...Allrecipes has made it fast and easy to find exactly what you need with special homepages for every variety of recipe -- organized by ingredients, cooking styles, holidays, and even your favorite brand names."
"Your Source for Recipes on the Internet...RecipeSource is the new home of SOAR: The Searchable Online Archive of Recipes and your source for recipes on the Internet"
Top Secret Recipes on the Web
"Duplicate your favorite brand-name foods at home with common ingredients. Fool your friends with easy-to-make, original recreations designed in our Top Secret Lab!"
All Recipes - "The home cooks' best-loved recipe, food and cooking resource...Allrecipes has made it fast and easy to find exactly what you need with special homepages for every variety of recipe -- organized by ingredients, cooking styles, holidays, and even your favorite brand names."
Cooks Illustrated - Extensively researched recipes and cooking methods, product reviews, tips, hints and more!
Epicurious - "The world's greatest recipe collection...Here you may browse more than 16,000 recipes — much as you would leaf through your favorite cookbook for inspiration, only better. As you explore, you may filter and narrow the recipes by category. "
Fine Cooking - "For people who love to cook." The magazine by Taunton Press. This site includes many articles and videos on techniques, equipment and a terrific selection of recipes.
Food Network - "Food Network (www.foodnetwork.com) is a unique lifestyle network and website that strive to surprise and engage its viewers with likable hosts, personalities, and the variety of things it does with food. The network is committed to exploring new, different, and interesting ways to approach food - through pop culture, adventure, travel - while also expanding its repertoire of technique-based information."
RecipeSource - "Your Source for Recipes on the Internet...RecipeSource is the new home of SOAR: The Searchable Online Archive of Recipes and your source for recipes on the Internet"
Top Secret Recipes on the Web - "Duplicate your favorite brand-name foods at home with common ingredients. Fool your friends with easy-to-make, original recreations designed in our Top Secret Lab!"