Tax Books - browse and order tax related books online, often at substantial discounts
The Automatic Millionaire: A Powerful One-Step Plan to Live and Finish Rich - "Despite its sensational title, David Bach's The Automatic Millionaire: A Powerful One-Step Plan to Live and Finish Rich is not a get-rich-quick guide. Rather, the book is a straightforward march through common-sense personal financial planning that suggests readers "automate" their contributions to retirement and investment vehicles. Bach, in fact, calls his model the "tortoise approach" to becoming wealthy by retirement age."
Deduct It! Lower Your Small Business Taxes - "Delves deeply into the complex thicket of available deductions, with real-life examples on deducting everything from start-up expenses to car and travel expenses and the costs of benefits."
Easy Ways to Lower Your Taxes: Simple Strategies Every Taxpayer Should Know - "Reduce your taxes with great tips in plain English. "
The Ernst & Young Tax Guide 2012 for Preparing Your 2011 Taxes - "Year after year, The Ernst & Young Tax Guide hits national bestseller lists and garners rave reviews. The most user-friendly, most current guide available to preparing your own tax return, this essential resource contains all the information readers need to save on their taxes. The accessible format walks us step-by-step through the daunting filing process, with sample tax forms and schedules demonstrating how to fill out a tax return line by line. As the only guide that provides complete coverage of the new tax law provisions, it's no wonder The New York Times praises it as "the top choice among popular tax books."
Every Landlord's Tax Deduction Guide - If you own rental property, you should be taking advantage of the many tax write-offs available. "Every Landlord's Tax Deduction Guide gives residential landlords the plain-English guide they need to save money on taxes -- without the services of a pricey accounting firm."
Fairmark Press Tax Guide for Investors - A well written guide for tax investors, including information on general taxation, equity compensation, retirement, investment taxation and kid and college concerns.
Financial and Estate Planning Guide, 2010 edition - "The information you need to manage your personal finances."
How to Pay Zero Taxes 2012 - "Fully updated for the new tax year, How to Pay Zero Taxes 2012 reveals all the secrets for keeping as much of your money as the law allows."
J.K. Lasser's 1001 Deductions and Tax Breaks 2012: Your Complete Guide to Everything Deductible (J.K. Lasser) - "If you're unfamiliar with the ever-changing tax laws or frightened by the threat of an audit, you've probably missed out on taking perfectly legal write-offs in the past. With J.K. Lasser's 1001 Deductions & Tax Breaks as your guide, you can stop worrying, and start saving, because you'll learn exactly how to take advantage of every tax break and deduction that you may be entitled to—without running afoul of the IRS."
J.K. Lasser's Small Business Taxes 2012: Your Complete Guide to a Better Bottom Line - "The tax facts and strategies that every small business owner needs to know for their 2011 tax return and year-round planning"
J.K. Lasser's Your Income Tax 2012 for Preparing Your 2011 Taxes - "America’s number one bestselling tax guide offers the best balance of thoroughness, organization, and usability."
Learning QuickBooks 2012 - "Learning QuickBooks takes you step-by-step through the essentials of mastering QuickBooks basics, with highly qualified instructors teaching you key tasks using real-life examples. You'll get an introduction to bookkeeping fundamentals--without all the technical jargon, and gain the confidence of knowing you're "doing it right.""
The Money Class: How to Stand in Your Truth and Create the Future You Deserve - "Everything you need to know about taking care of your family, your home, your career, and planning for retirement - no matter where you are in your life or where the economy is headed."
Mutual Funds For Dummies - "Want to make the most of mutual funds? Personal finance expert Eric Tyson shares his time-tested investing advice, as well as updates to his fund recommendations and revised coverage of tax law changes, in this user-friendly resource. Sample fund portfolios and updated forms show you exactly how to accomplish your financial goals."
Nolo's Essential Retirement Tax Guide: Your Health, Home, Investments & More - "Everything you need to save on taxes after retirement. Plus: Make sure you don't miss a single deduction with easy-to-use checklists! "
Paying for College Without Going Broke, 2012 Edition (College Admissions Guides) - "Paying for College Without Going Broke will help you calculate the actual costs of college, increase your chances of receiving aid, compare aid offers and learn how to appeal if needed, plan strategically as an independent student or divorced or single parent, and avoid costly mistakes when applying."
QuickBooks 2012 The Official Guide - "Set up a comprehensive, well-organized small business financial management system using QuickBooks 2012 and the expert advice packed inside this official guide. Filled with practical information, this book explains how to perform essential business tasks and customize QuickBooks for your needs. "
Save Wealth - Current tax events, estate and retirement planning, downloadable forms, Save Wealth top ten and more.
The Smartest Retirement Book You'll Ever Read - "The best thing that Solin brings to the party is his shrewd and skeptical approach to the art and science of investing. ...there's no question that his focus is on what's best for individuals, not institutions. "
SmartMoney Tax Guide - "...a plain English primer on the many confusing parts of the tax code..."
Surviving an IRS Tax Audit - "Surviving an IRS Tax Audit explains the process inside and out."
Tax Savvy for Small Business - "This plain-English guide will show you how to make the most of your tax deductions. This book is one of the best plain-language books on small-business taxes."
U.S. Master Tax Guide for 2012 - "CCH's U.S. Master Tax Guide (MTG) is the tax professional's favorite quick reference. Meticulously researched to cover any issue affecting tax returns. Significant new tax developments are conveniently highlighted and explained. Explanations are footnoted to provide accurate, legally-sound guidance on applying and complying with today s complex federal tax laws. Includes valuable practice tools to slash your research time: Cross-references to Internal Revenue Code and Income Tax Regulations; Removable Quick Tax Facts Card for instant reference; Taxpayer specific return flowcharts; Rate tables, depreciation tables and checklists."